We have purchased some trees at in March 2017.
Wir haben viele Pflanzen in März 2017 gekauft. Die Baum- und Rebschule Schreiber ist sehr gut sortierte Obstbaumschule.

all trees are growing well but 2 kaki have never developped leaves, thay are green, soft, have buds but never opened with leaves.
alle Pflanzen wachsen sehr gut außer 2 Kaki Bäume, die leider kein Laub entwickelt haben, aber die Äste sínd grün und flexibel.
  The plant is alive, green under the bark, but not showing any leaves. will it get it next year? 



  we have planted several Asimina Triloba which are from the Annona family, Cherimoya one can buy sometimes in the shops.  PawPaw tasts like Cherimoya. Soursop is fantastic but I have never seen it in Europe, neither planted nor in shops as fruits.